All columns of a model should have a description.
Source code
def columns_have_description(model: Model) -> RuleViolation | None:
"""All columns of a model should have a description."""
invalid_column_names = [ for column in model.columns if not column.description
if invalid_column_names:
max_length = 60
message = f"Columns lack a description: {', '.join(invalid_column_names)}."
if len(message) > max_length:
message = f"{message[:60]}…"
return RuleViolation(message=message)
Default configuration
severity = 2
A model should have a description.
Source code
Default configuration
The documentation of a model should have an example query.
Source code
def has_example_sql(model: Model) -> RuleViolation | None:
"""The documentation of a model should have an example query."""
if model.language == "sql":
if "```sql" not in model.description:
return RuleViolation(
"The model description does not include an example SQL query."
Default configuration
A model should have an owner.
Source code
Default configuration
The SQL query of a model should not be too long.
Source code
def sql_has_reasonable_number_of_lines(
model: Model, max_lines: int = 200
) -> RuleViolation | None:
"""The SQL query of a model should not be too long."""
count_lines = len(model.raw_code.split("\n"))
if count_lines > max_lines:
return RuleViolation(
message=f"SQL query too long: {count_lines} lines (> {max_lines})."