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Rule registry

Rule registry.

This module implements rule discovery.


A container for configured rules.

Source code in src/dbt_score/
class RuleRegistry:
    """A container for configured rules."""

    def __init__(self, config: Config) -> None:
        """Instantiate a rule registry."""
        self.config = config
        self._rules: dict[str, Rule] = {}

    def rules(self) -> dict[str, Rule]:
        """Get all rules."""
        return self._rules

    def _walk_packages(self, namespace_name: str) -> Iterator[str]:
        """Walk packages and sub-packages recursively."""
            namespace = importlib.import_module(namespace_name)
        except ImportError:  # no custom rule in Python path
            if namespace_name != "dbt_score_rules":
                logger.warning(f"Can't import {namespace_name}.")

        if not hasattr(namespace, "__path__"):
            # When called with a leaf, i.e. a module, don't attempt to iterate
            yield namespace_name

        for package in pkgutil.walk_packages(
            namespace.__path__, namespace.__name__ + "."

    def _load(self, namespace_name: str) -> None:
        """Load rules found in a given namespace."""
        for module_name in self._walk_packages(namespace_name):
            module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
            for obj_name in dir(module):
                obj = module.__dict__[obj_name]
                if type(obj) is type and issubclass(obj, Rule) and obj is not Rule:

    def _add_rule(self, rule: Type[Rule]) -> None:
        """Initialize and add a rule."""
        rule_name = rule.source()
        if rule_name in self._rules:
            raise DuplicatedRuleException(rule.source())
        if rule_name not in self.config.disabled_rules:
            rule_config = self.config.rules_config.get(rule_name, RuleConfig())
            self._rules[rule_name] = rule(rule_config=rule_config)

    def load_all(self) -> None:
        """Load all rules, core and third-party."""
        # Add cwd to Python path
        old_sys_path = sys.path  # Save original values
        if self.config.inject_cwd_in_python_path and os.getcwd() not in sys.path:

        for namespace in self.config.rule_namespaces:

        # Restore original values
        sys.path = old_sys_path

rules: dict[str, Rule] property

Get all rules.


Instantiate a rule registry.

Source code in src/dbt_score/
def __init__(self, config: Config) -> None:
    """Instantiate a rule registry."""
    self.config = config
    self._rules: dict[str, Rule] = {}


Load all rules, core and third-party.

Source code in src/dbt_score/
def load_all(self) -> None:
    """Load all rules, core and third-party."""
    # Add cwd to Python path
    old_sys_path = sys.path  # Save original values
    if self.config.inject_cwd_in_python_path and os.getcwd() not in sys.path:

    for namespace in self.config.rule_namespaces:

    # Restore original values
    sys.path = old_sys_path