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dbt-score is a Python library that is easy to install and use. The minimum required version of Python is 3.10.


Installation of dbt-score is simple:

pip install dbt-score

If a virtual environment is used to run dbt, make sure to install dbt-score in the same environment.


dbt-score uses the output of dbt parse (manifest.json) as input. Therefore, it is recommended to run dbt-score from the root of your dbt project. By default, it will look for manifest.json in dbt's target directory.

dbt-score can be executed from the command line:

dbt-score lint

To use a different manifest file, use the --manifest option:

dbt-score lint --manifest path/to/manifest.json

It's also possible to automatically run dbt parse, to generate the manifest.json file:

dbt-score lint --run-dbt-parse

To lint only a selection of models, the argument --select can be used. It accepts any dbt node selection syntax:

dbt-score lint --select +my_model+

To get more information on how to run dbt-score, --help can be used:

dbt-score --help
dbt-score lint --help