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Create rules

In order to lint and score models, dbt-score uses a set of rules that are applied to each model. A rule can pass or fail when it is run. Based on the severity of the rule, models are scored with the weighted average of the rules results. Note that dbt-score comes bundled with a set of default rules.

On top of the generic rules, it's possible to add your own rules. Two ways exist to create a new rule:

  1. By using the @rule decorator, which is the preferred/simple way.
  2. By inheriting from the Rule class, which is more advanced and allows to keep state between evaluations.

Using the @rule decorator

The @rule decorator can be used to easily create a new rule:

from dbt_score import Model, rule, RuleViolation

def has_description(model: Model) -> RuleViolation | None:
    """A model should have a description."""
    if not model.description:
        return RuleViolation(message="Model lacks a description.")

The name of the function is the name of the rule and the docstring of the function is its description. Therefore, it is important to use a self-explanatory name for the function and document it well.

The severity of a rule can be set using the severity argument:

from dbt_score import rule, Severity


Using the Rule class

For more advanced use cases, a rule can be created by inheriting from the Rule class:

from dbt_score import Model, Rule, RuleViolation

class HasDescription(Rule):
    description = "A model should have a description."

    def evaluate(self, model: Model) -> RuleViolation | None:
        """Evaluate the rule."""
        if not model.description:
            return RuleViolation(message="Model lacks a description.")

Rules location

By default dbt-score will look for rules in the Python namespace dbt_score_rules. Rules can be stored anywhere in the Python path under the dbt_score_rules namespace. In many cases, having such a folder in the dbt project from where you invoke dbt and dbt-score will work. In this folder, all rules defined in .py files will be automatically discovered. By default, the current working directory is injected in the Python path.

If nested folders are used, e.g. dbt_score_rules/generic_rules/, an file needs to be present in the nested folder to make it discoverable.

Configurable rules

It's possible to create rules that can be configured with parameters . In order to create a configurable rule, the evaluation function of the rule should have additional input parameters with a default value defined. In the example below, the rule has a max_lines parameter with a default value of 200, which can be configured in the pyproject.toml file.

from dbt_score import Model, rule, RuleViolation

def sql_has_reasonable_number_of_lines(model: Model, max_lines: int = 200) -> RuleViolation | None:
    """The SQL query of a model should not be too long."""
    count_lines = len(model.raw_code.split("\n"))
    if count_lines > max_lines:
        return RuleViolation(
            message=f"SQL query too long: {count_lines} lines (> {max_lines})."