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dbt-score can be configured through a pyproject.toml file or via the command line.


It is recommended to place the file in the root of your dbt project. dbt-score will look for pyproject.toml in the directory from which it is run and its parent directories.

An example of a pyproject.toml file to configure dbt-score can be found below:

rule_namespaces = ["dbt_score.rules", "dbt_score_rules", "custom_rules"]
disabled_rules = ["dbt_score.rules.generic.columns_have_description"]
inject_cwd_in_python_path = true
fail_project_under = 7.5
fail_any_model_under = 8.0

first.threshold = 10.0
first.icon = "🥇"
second.threshold = 8.0
second.icon = "🥈"
third.threshold = 6.0
third.icon = "🥉"
wip.icon = "🏗️"

severity = 1
max_lines = 300

Configuration options

The following options can be set in the pyproject.toml file:

Main configuration

  • rule_namespaces: A list of Python namespaces to search for rules. The default is ["dbt_score.rules", "dbt_score_rules"]. Be aware when overriding this setting, that the default rules are in dbt_score.rules and are disabled if not included here.
  • disabled_rules: A list of rules to disable.
  • fail_project_under (default: 5.0): If the project score is below this value the command will fail with return code 1.
  • fail_any_model_under (default: 5.0): If any model scores below this value the command will fail with return code 1.

Badges configuration


Four badges can be configured: first, second, third and wip. Each badge can be configured with the following option:

  • icon: The icon to use for the badge. A string that will be displayed in the output, e.g. 🥇.

All badges except wip can be configured with the following option:

  • threshold: The threshold for the badge. A decimal number between 0.0 and 10.0 that will be used to compare to the score. The threshold is the minimum score required for a model to be rewarded with a certain badge.

The default values can be found in the BadgeConfig.

Rule configuration


Every rule can be configured with the following option:

  • severity: The severity of the rule. Rules have a default severity and can be overridden. It's an integer with a minimum value of 1 and a maximum value of 4.

Some rules have additional configuration options, e.g. sql_has_reasonable_number_of_lines. Depending on the rule, the options will have different names, types and default values. In the case of the sql_has_reasonable_number_of_lines, the max_lines option can be configured.

Command line

Many configuration options can also be set via the command line. To understand how to configure dbt-score from the command line:

dbt-score lint --help